Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aruba, Jamaica-The Fleas Love the Bahamas

The cockroach or the flea: that is the question.  Who came first and who will outlast all civilization?  I have to say, the flea with it's crafty rumors, misinformation, and pesticide resistance may just win.

Rumor #1:  "It is winter I don't have to worry anymore about fleas."  Perhaps if your dog is isolated and you have never had a flea in your home you may get away with this.  When considering whether to keep your pet on prevention you must do risk assessment.  Does your pet board, go to daycare, the groomer, or the dog park?  You must consider if they will be exposed to flea infested pets.  If you have experienced any flea issues you MUST continue to use prevention/treatment for at least 6 months after the last adult flea is seen.   

Rumor #2:  "Only dirty people get fleas."  If you have fur, are warm, and can provide a blood meal you can get fleas.  Stray pets in your neighborhood or a neighbor that isn't as on top of prevention and BOOM-fleas.  Reality check: Very clean, rich people's pets get fleas, too.

Rumor #3:  "I only have to treat once and all will be gone."  Remember the old commercial "I told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends, and so on and so on..."  The adult flea lives 20-35 days.  A female can lay approximately 100 eggs per day!  In a short time a household population can reach thousands.  Pesticides can kill fleas in the egg, maggot, and adult stages.  Pssst...yes, if you have fleas you have flea maggots crawling in your furniture, and carpet, and your bedding, and...)  Fleas are untouchable in the pupa/cocoon stage.  Warmth (furnace heat), moisture/humidity, and vibration (walking on a floor, vacuuming) all stimulate the cocoon to hatch and allow the flea to be killed.  You better hope when those buggers hatch out their first meal is flea medication and not just tasty pet or People blood!

Rumor #4:   "Only one pet is affected; I don't have to worry about the others.  I don't have a flea problem."  If one pet has fleas they all have them.  Even if you don't see scratching or even if you keep the "affected" pet in another room-everyone will be sharing bugs!  And guess what?  If those fleas can't consume enough blood from your pet they will come looking for you!  The aren't brand loyal when seeking a meal or a snack.

Rumor #5:   "All flea preventive/treatments are the same."  Just as we have created antibiotic and medication resistance, we have created resistant fleas.  Many of the over-the-counter products are not effective anymore.  They have even been proven to be dangerous if applied incorrectly.  This is one area where buyer beware is the edict.  Veterinary products are constantly measured for safety and efficacy.    

Rumor #6:  "Fleas are only a nuisance, they can't cause real harm."  Fleas can drain a small puppy, kitten, or debilitated pet of their life's blood and cause their death.  They can cause anemia and carry diseases.  They are opportunistic parasites in the truest sense.  Imagine dirty, jagged, tearing jaws feasting on your body.  You itch so badly you don't know where to scratch first.  Flea bite is such a pleasant word for what they do but it is very incorrect.  Fleas tear the flesh.  They cause skin infections.  If your pet is flea allergic-which is very different from just itchy from fleas- one bite can cause horrendous itching, self mutilation, and skin infection for weeks after that bite has ended.

Makes you just want to roll in the carpet with your pet doesn't it?  Prevention is worth a pound or a hundred pounds of cure.  Flea medication can break down to as little as $15 per month.  A flea outbreak complete with skin problems can be several hundreds in one visit to get under control.


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